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14 March 2011


This week, let's talk a little about the cultural dances from Rwanda and Brazil.

In my opinion the dance as bodily expression portrays the beauties and the charms of a country. And Rwanda is highlighted in my heart with their dancing.

One of the town’s highlights is traditional dances performed by the popular Intore dancers. The Intore Dance Group is in the stage the finest of Rwanda’s varied and dynamic traditional musical and dance styles. The Intore, once the elite of the traditional Rwanda army, were not only trained as military but also in high jump and dance. The Intore became worldwide famous as dancers in 1958 when the World Expo was held in Brussels.

Intore Dancers in Rwanda

The warriors dance is a jewel of the choreographic heritage of Rwanda. Dressed with a mane made of sisal fibre, Tied up on ankles, little bells jingle on each step, giving the warriors dance a thrilling rhythm.

The Dance of Heroes

This was a cultural dance staged by the Rwanda Dancers at ITB Berlin in March 2010.
 I dont know the name of the dance that women make. Please, who knows, post the comment in the place just below the post.

Just as in Rwanda, the Brazil also has a traditional dance. The Carnival.

The Carnival is an event which has repercussions on other happenings.

This incredible party has become the registered trademark of Brazil. It attracts tourists the whole world, represents happiness, fraternization and work, all with a Pinch of sensuality.

We believe that the best word to define the Carnival is exuberance.

The work presented by samba schools represents a whole year of dedication. There are people who live for the carnival.

Work of the carnivalesque
There are other countries that also celebrate Carnival. Among them we mention Cuba, Italy and the United States.

Cuba Carnival

Italy Carnival

New Orleans Carnival

In the Brazil, there are many types of the celebration of Carnival as the "micareta", Carnival out of season and the famous street carnival.

This period is also marked by various awareness campaigns about condom use and HIV prevention. These propaganda help to reduce the percentage of people with HIV doing with which Brazil Win prominence in the fight against the AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases.

In addition, there are many rhythms that pack the Carnival, including the "frevo", "axé" and most famous and traditional of them all, the samba.
The samba is a musical genre, from which derives a kind of dance with African roots that originated in Brazil and is known as the national rhythm for excellence. Considering a of the principal cultural manifestations Brazilian folk, samba became a symbol of national identity.

Derived from samba, other forms of musics have won themselves names like "samba de gafieria", the "samba", the "samba de breque", the "samba-canção", the "samba-rock", the "partido alto" , the "pagode", among others.

In the Brazil, it is believed that the word "samba" was a corruption of "Semba" (navel), a word of African origin, possibly originating from Angola or Congo, where they came from most slaves to the Brazil.

The samba is basically played by percussion instruments and accompanied by string instruments.

Basic instruments:
ukulele, guitar, tambourine, deaf, tambourine, "tantã" and mandolin.

We hope you enjoyed!!!!